
Vertical Solutions 4

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With the aim of working more closely with its customers and providing them with unique added-value services, Spacecom has established a  Vertical Solutions division.

Leveraging their deep acquaintance with solutions and equipment – including 3rd party equipment, such as cellular base stations and networking equipment – and vast Satcom services and operations experience, the division’s team extends Spacecom’s product portfolio beyond raw capacity. By helping customers to analyze their needs and promptly providing tailored solutions, the team becomes not only a solutions provider, but a trusted advisor.

The following solutions and services are already part of the Spacecom Vertical Solutions division portfolio. Additional solutions may be offered on an ad hoc basis.

Sat com

MNO – Telco Digital Expansion partner

The only way to stay on top of a rapidly changing innovation landscape is to turn radical disruption into radical growth.

Cost Effective Satellite Based Solution provides:

  • Highly efficient satellite including BW sharing 
  • Ideal for rural communities
  • Same cost structure regardless of location
  • New revenue opportunities such as Supplementary services: Community Wi-Fi, mobile money, retail, Incoming calls, payment, gaming
  • Avoid excessive fees RK
  • Reduce the costs of USO (Universal Service Obligation) compliance fees




Maritime services are growing as more capacity for communications is required by moving and static seaborne customers. AMOS-17’s high power beams provide higher data rates regularly mandated by applications, especially on-the-move (OTM), and the satellite’s wide beam adds value to facilitate these applications’ increased capacity needs.
We offer the ultimate high speed, high-bandwidth solution for Yachts, Commercial Shipping and Vessels, Tanker and Container Ships, Remote Connections, Cruise Ships, Offshore Platforms, Regional Telecom Networks, Energy and Oil & Gas, Fishing Fleets, Naval and Security,  Communication Service Providers, Maritime Service Providers and Value Added Integrators

Learn more

  • Cellular Backhauling (CBH) Satellite cellular backhauling creates endless business opportunities, including coverage of new areas and quick deployment of connectivity for venues, enabling generation of revenues even from remote locations and low-ARPU customers. Spacecom also offers an ongoing analysis of cellular and VSAT KPIs, enabling troubleshooting and timely root-cause analysis, while assisting in improving KPIs and increasing network availability.
  • Business Continuity Terrestrial links are susceptible to low availability due to reasons such as maintenance and vandalism. Cost-effective Satcom links ensure network redundancy and business continuity. Using the powerful beams and switching flexibility of AMOS 17, Spacecom offers attractive charging models for domestic or international backup links.
  • E-Learning – Distance Learning Satcom enables education organizations, such as governments or NGOs, to bridge the digital divide and thereby reach the most isolated locations. Partnering with leading technology vendors, Spacecom offers a satellite-based e-learning platform which can serve thousands of remote sites with superior coverage, bringing students high-level, cost-effective distance learning and training.

  • IP Trunking Nodes in the WAN can be connected with large bandwidth and hundreds of Mbps. Satellite communication is ideal for large geographical coverage with high reliability and availability. When no terrestrial infrastructure exists, Satcom is the preferred solution.
  • Elections Spacecom supports elections and voters’ registration in places that other technologies cannot reach. Satellite communication between local polling stations and the central collecting station ensures an efficient election program and eliminates delays in the reporting of accurate election results. Satcom may be used for election management purposes, via a simple link that allows video or voice communication between remote sites and the center, or as a full digital election solution that includes biometric identity verification and electronic vote transmission/consolidation at the end of the election day.
  • Wi-Fi Community By closing the digital divide, Internet access empowers local populations and improves the economy. Last mile connectivity to small remote communities is enabled by outdoor WiFi connected to the VSAT, extending Internet access to cover outlying villages with a single Satcom terminal.
  • DTT Distribution Satcom can be used to distribute TV content to Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) transmit stations. Spacecom provides end-to-end solutions, including Satcom equipment and BW, towers, DTT broadcasting equipment and more. The Vertical Solutions division also offers integration, installation and turnkey projects.
  • Private Satellite Networks for Corporations With multi-regional coverage, cross-region connectivity and Spacecom’s expansion roadmap, the AMOS satellite fleet offers corporate organizations secure, reliable and tailored satellite communications solutions.


  • Broadband Satellite Services Providing the highest bit-rate two-way communications over a wide coverage area, AMOS is the ideal platform for telecommunications carriers and service providers that offer high-speed voice, data and video transmission.


  • Satellite Teleport Services AMOS’s premium services require a terrestrial infrastructure of the same standards to deliver broadcast/broadband services of the highest quality. For this reason, Spacecom maintains strong partnerships with a network of teleport operators.


  • E-Medicine Quality healthcare can be brought to remote, isolated communities by using healthcare solutions that are integrated with satellite connectivity. Using Spacecom’s solutions, medical teams can diagnose and monitor patients in remote rural locations, providing the same high-quality treatment that is available in urban areas.
  • Energy Solutions  Satellite capacity is key for efficient operation of both offshore assets and remote land drilling sites.
    Spacecom delivers communication services to Oil and Gas companies in all key regions. When using high level service of our new satellite AMOS-17 customers can communicate effectively via phone, e-mail & IM. They can also share documents, production data and images seamlessly.


How can we help you?

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