
Neterra Communications Ltd. and SpaceCom Enter in Strategic Partnership for Satellite TV Services

Sofia, 29 November, 2013: Bulgarian telecommunication company Neterra Communications and SpaceCom, operators of the AMOS brand communication satellites, announced today the start of a strategic partnership between the two companies regarding satellite Direct-to-home (DTH) TV services, as well as video distribution to cable head-ends, VSAT communications, broadband Internet services via AMOS-2 satellite (and after its end of activity – via AMOS-6).

The white-label DTH platform for TV services is called “W4” and enables operators to offer DTH services to end-users. More than 60 TV channels will be offered via “W4” and soon Neterra Communications will expand the list with HD channels. The service will be distributed on AMOS-2 satellite, located at 4º West. White-label is a model that enables a DTH service, provided and supported by one company to be distributed by other TV operators under their own brand.

Launched in 2003 to Spacecom’s 4ºW orbital hot spot, the AMOS-2 satellite operates in Ku-band and offers customers a wide range of communications and broadcasting services to Europe and the Middle East. Plus, the AMOS-2 satellite is co-located with the AMOS-3 satellite for complete in-orbit redundancy to ensure backup capabilities and total service reliability.

More Information about Neterra

Neterra is a South-East European telecom with 18 years of history. Neterra provides services in Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Serbia, FYROM and Greece. The company launched last year its own European based cloud service “Cloudware” – platform for IaaS – Infrastructure as a Service type. Neterra owns and operates Sofia Data Center, Sofia Teleport and Telecom Center Ruse – the last one located 300 km from Sofia.

For more information: Tihomir Valkov, Marketing Manager, at +359.2.975.16.16 or via e-mail at

More Information about SpaceCom

Spacecom (Space-Communication Ltd.), operator of the AMOS-2 and AMOS-3 satellites co-located at 4°W, AMOS-5 located at 17°E, and AMOS-4 now located at 67.25°W, provides high-quality broadcast and communication services to Europe, the Middle East, the U.S. East Coast, Africa, Russia, China and South Asia via direct-to-home (DTH) and direct broadcast satellite (DBS) operators, Internet service providers (ISPs), telecom operators, network integrators and government agencies. The company’s planned launch of AMOS-6 in 2015 with extended coverage over Europe and the Middle East, will further enhance its position as an emerging global satellite operator.

World Media Contact

Josh Shuman, S&A Communications

US Media Contact

Amy Holcomb, Sage Communications


About Spacecom

Spacecom is a leading global fixed-satellite operator and satellite service provider, offering tailored end-to-end communication solutions to the Media and Broadband industries. Operating the advanced AMOS satellite fleet, Spacecom provides innovative broadcast and broadband satellite services with European, Pan-African, Middle Eastern and Asian coverage and cross region connectivity.

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