

Coverage Maps

Orbital position 17° East

Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East.

 Ka-band, Ku-band, and C-Band services.

Life Expectancy:
Beyond 2040

AMOS-17 was successfully launched on August 6, 2019, by a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket.
It is located at 17 degrees East where it reaches across the African continent, along with the Europe, Asia and the Middle East. AMOS-17 is the most advanced high-throughput satellite to provide satellite communication services to Africa.

AMOS-17 is a state-of-the-art multi-band high-throughput satellite (HTS), utilizing Boeing’s advanced digital processor platform, that will provide reliable and flexible satellite solutions and offer a significant competitive advantage for our customers. It has a combination of broad regional beams and high throughput spot beams to maximize throughput and spectral efficiency. The combination of the inherent flexibility of the digital platform with a mix of fixed and steerable beams ensures a fast response to changing customers’ needs.

Additional Benefits

HTS – High Throughput Satellite, superior service availability, making it the best match for any Sub-Sahara project.


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